
The Admin client is no longer installed by default as it was in the 3.1.08
version. If you do a custom install you can select to install it separately.

Geoff Gill
NT Systems Support Engineer
Computer Systems Group
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (888) 997-9614

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mike Glassman - Admin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 1:46 AM
>Subject: Client ver 3.7.2 - no SA software
>Importance: High
>I just downloaded the TSM client for Windows (Intell) version
>as above, and
>I noticed after the install, that even tho I told it I wanted
>to have the
>administrative software installed as well, that it does not install and
>administrative client.
>Since I need this Administrative capability, anyone have any
>ideas how I can
>get at it ? Or what to install ?
>I need the same type of Administrative capabilities as were
>available in the
>3.1.08 client version.
>Mike Glassman
>System & Security Admin
>Israeli Airports Authority
>Ben-Gurion Airport
>Tel : 972-3-9710785
>Fax : 972-3-9710939
>Usage of this email address or any email address at iaa.gov.il for the
>purpose of sales pitches, SPAM or any other such unwanted garbage, is
>illegal, and any person, whether corporate or alone doing so, will be
>prosecuted to the fullest possible extent.

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