Williams  ys it happened when  tape was not dissmounted that is  dismount
failure .
    then i recycled TSm and got all above messages. unavailable" or
"destroyed". now i have updated all tapes/volumes
as readwrite , i am usning STK9710  ,but drives shows available state
tsm: TSM>q drive

Library Name  Drive Name    Device Type  Device            ON LINE
------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  -------------------
STK9710       DRIVE1        DLT          /dev/mt0          Yes
STK9710       DRIVE2        DLT          /dev/mt1          Yes

"[EMAIL PROTECTED]/P=Internet/A= /C=us" on 11/08/2000 12:44:04 PM
Please respond to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]/P=Internet/A= /C=us" @ X400
To: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]/P=Internet/A= /C=us"@X400

Subject: Re: unavailable" or "destroyed".

AH HA...I have experienced the same thing. I chased this with support and so far
I've gotten a working as designed answer...
My gut... you have a tape drive that may appear to be online, but it it isn't!
Are you 3494 with 3590s? mtlib -l/dev/lmcp0 -qM  (query mount...and compare this
with q mount in TSM)....
If you have a tape mounted, then try a mtlib eject/demount   mtlib -l/dev/lmcp0
-f/dev/rmtx -d  (rmt for the 'invalid' mount).
Also a visual check may help...
check through your logs to see if you had a dismount failure (I think this was
the start to my 3 day demise).
Recycling my server cleared the problem.
I recreated the problem (messages below are only one flavor) by doing a rmdev -l
/dev/rmt0 AND TSM keeps this drive online.....
even when it tries to access it and can't.....
are you 3494shared yes???
If so, this is probably why development is saying it, so far, is working as
Call me if you like for further discussion
Thanks Tim Williams
(972) 376-7774

Shekhar Dhotre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11/08/2000 10:09 AM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@SMTP@Exchange


Subject:  unavailable" or "destroyed".

Hi all ,
    Today morning i restarted TSM ,cause  the DRM procedure backup stgpool
tapepool  copypool was not
                        completed . when the TSM server was coming up ,i saw
following messages,
                       ,what could be the problem   all  volume access are
                      offline or access mode is "unavailable" or
"destroyed"(.all these tapes MED403,MED404,MED545 whose accesss mode
                       is unavailable or destroyed  belongs to  tapeool)

11/08/00   09:56:19  ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: BACKUP
                      STGPOOL tapepool copypool
11/08/00   09:56:19  ANR1229W Volume MED403 cannot be backed up - volume is
                      offline or access mode is "unavailable" or "destroyed".
11/08/00   09:56:19  ANR1229W Volume MED404 cannot be backed up - volume is
                      offline or access mode is "unavailable" or "destroyed".
11/08/00   09:56:19  ANR1229W Volume MED545 cannot be backed up - volume is
                      offline or access mode is "unavailable" or "destroyed".
11/08/00   09:56:19  ANR1229W Volume MED575 cannot be backed up - volume is
                      offline or access mode is "unavailable" or "destroyed".
11/08/00   09:56:19  ANR1229W Volume MED576 cannot be backed up - volume is
                      offline or access mode is "unavailable" or "destroyed".
11/08/00   09:56:19  ANR0984I Process 3 for BACKUP STORAGE POOL started in the
                      BACKGROUND at 09:56:19.

Thnaks in advance

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