Hi all ,
Today morning i restarted TSM ,cause the DRM procedure backup stgpool
tapepool copypool was not
completed . when the TSM server was coming up ,i saw
following messages,
,what could be the problem all volume access are
offline or access mode is "unavailable" or
"destroyed"(.all these tapes MED403,MED404,MED545 whose accesss mode
is unavailable or destroyed belongs to tapeool)
11/08/00 09:56:19 ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: BACKUP
STGPOOL tapepool copypool
11/08/00 09:56:19 ANR1229W Volume MED403 cannot be backed up - volume is
offline or access mode is "unavailable" or "destroyed".
11/08/00 09:56:19 ANR1229W Volume MED404 cannot be backed up - volume is
offline or access mode is "unavailable" or "destroyed".
11/08/00 09:56:19 ANR1229W Volume MED545 cannot be backed up - volume is
offline or access mode is "unavailable" or "destroyed".
11/08/00 09:56:19 ANR1229W Volume MED575 cannot be backed up - volume is
offline or access mode is "unavailable" or "destroyed".
11/08/00 09:56:19 ANR1229W Volume MED576 cannot be backed up - volume is
offline or access mode is "unavailable" or "destroyed".
11/08/00 09:56:19 ANR0984I Process 3 for BACKUP STORAGE POOL started in the
BACKGROUND at 09:56:19.
Thnaks in advance