You should also look at the RESTORE VOLUME command which will attempt to
recreate your primary storage pool volume (on a different volume) from copy
pool volumes.

>update vol access=destroyed looked like what I wanted, but I thought
>I ought to get a second opinion. I find the manuals to be useful once
>I know what I am doing, but not particularly good tutorials. Thanks.
>I will "move data" first to salvage what I can.
>- Kai.
>Kai Hintze
>currently using the mailer
>Richard Sims wrote:
> > >How do I tell ADSM that a tape is bad and should never be used again?
> >
> > 'UPDate Volume ... ACCess=DEStroyed' or ACCess=UNAVailable.
> > But it's best to deal with the tape data in whatever manner is
> > appropriate and then get it out of the library so that a good
> > tape can be available.

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