
     Thanks for the clarification.  (This has been a detail slightly
obscure in my mind, and always just worked-around it)

     While on the subject then:  Does the scheduler on the client need to
be restarted each time the include/exclude list is modified?  That's
another item not documented (or very well hidden if it is documented).  It
has been my experience that it does.  Can you confirm this?


Serge Gaudet, CMI

                    Richard Sims
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    Sent by:             cc:
                    "ADSM: Dist          Subject:     Re: exclude.dir question
                    Stor Manager"
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                    09:55 AM
                    respond to
                    "ADSM: Dist
                    Stor Manager"

> I'm resending this in the hopes someone has a quick answer....
> If I backup all the files on a client, and then later decide to implement
> an exclude.dir, what happens to the files that were previously backed up?
> Do they get purged or do they stay forever pinned in ADSM?

Bob - Doing an EXCLUDE or EXCLUDE.FILE or EXCLUDE.DIR has the same effect
      having deleted the specified objects from the client: they will be
expired the next time a backup is performed using those specifications.
As documented in the B/A client manual (Unix), Exclude option note:

  1. If you change your include-exclude list so that a previously included
     is now excluded, any pre-existing backup versions of that file become
     inactive the next time an incremental backup is run.

One might extrapolate and think that EXCLUDE.FS would cause the whole
filespace to expire; but in fact it merely causes bakup of the file system
be skipped, as though it were not specified on the command line or the

The B/A manual could be more clear as to the effects.  I'll contact the
documentation people about this.

     Richard Sims, BU

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