> I could use a little help here. I a testing an upgrade to TSM
>3.7.0 and for some reason when I start the server I get this message:
>ANR8840E Unable to open device /dev/rmt1.smc with error 6
>ANR8840E Unable to open device /dev/rmt2.smc with error 6
Bill - I would not waste time with 3.7.0: use the latest client level,
which for AIX is 3.7.2.
The "6" is "No such device or address". A 3590 device with SMC needs
to be in "RANDOM" mode when 'cfgmgr' is run in order to create the rmt_.smc
files. Maybe something of the same needs to be the case for your 3570.
Richard Sims, BU