Hello *SMers,

        I could use a little help here.   I a testing an upgrade to TSM
3.7.0 and for some reason when I start the server I get this message:

ANR8840E  Unable to open device /dev/rmt1.smc with error 6
ANR8840E  Unable to open device /dev/rmt2.smc with error 6

I am running the *SM server on AIX 4.3.3 and trying to get the connect to a
Magstar 3570.  I am at a loss and wondering if anyone could help me out.   I
have heard that there is a fix out there for TSM 3.7.   I was wondering if
this will fix the problem or if there is something else that I might have to
do to fix it.    Or would upgrading the server to TSM 4.1 help the problem?

Any assistance would be grateful.

Thanks in advance,

Bill Wheeler
AIX Administrator
La-Z-Boy Incorporated

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