        We just hooked a qualstar 4222 tape library to our ADSM (on
AIX 4.3.2). The 2 drives are sony SDX-500C (Ait-2) and the tapes are
SDX2-50C. After I moved some data to a tape, ADSM reports that the capacity
of the tape is only 20G:

adsm> q vol 0*

Volume Name               Storage      Device      Estimated    Pct   Volume
                          Pool Name    Class Name   Capacity   Util   Status
------------------------  -----------  ----------  ---------  -----
000000                   AIT-LIBRARY  AIT-AUTO     20,362.0   25.5  Filling

I defined the device class for the library as:
adsm> q devc ait-auto

Device       Device        Storage    Device       Format     Est/Max
Class        Access           Pool    Type                   Capacity
Name         Strategy        Count                               (MB)
---------    ----------    -------    ---------    ------    --------
AIT-AUTO     Sequential          1    8MM          AITC           0.0

We are expecting at least 50G. I searched the ADSM.org and did not find
useful information. If anybody can give me some hints, I will appreciate it.


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