>I 'reseeded' the password by invoking a dsmc i after the install and after =
>doing an upd node <nodename> <password> to reset the password for the web =
>client. Now that was puzzling because after the upd node, the password was =
>changed when invoking the web client, but when connecting at the command =
>line it does not recognize the password changed via the upd node, but does =
>recognise the previous password.
3.7 put things into new locations, compared with 3.1; and the program product
designation is now "tivoli" instead of "adsm" such that installing the 3.7
client doesn't see the old client software, per se. When you went to install
the 3.7 level, did you first do an uninstall of the older stuff? I'm wondering
if this situation confuses the software.