Excellent book. I reviewed the draft. Learned lots of good stuff. A must
read for the serious TSMer.
Kelly J. Lipp
Storage Solutions Specialists, Inc.
PO Box 51313
Colorado Springs CO 80949-1313
(719) 531-5926
Fax: (719) 260-5991
-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Charlotte Brooks/Almaden/IBM
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2000 10:19 AM
Subject: Redbook Announcement: SG24-6110-00 Tivoli Storage Manager
Version 3.7.3 & 4.1: Technical Guide
Everything you need to know about latest TSM release ...
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Form Number: SG24-6110-00
Title: Tivoli Storage Manager Version 3.7.3 & 4.1:
Technical Guide
Can now be downloaded as a PDF file and ordered in hardcopy two weeks
following the Publish Date! (see
http://ibm.com/redbooks/abstracts/sg246110.html for online access)
Tivoli Storage Manager, the backbone product of the Tivoli Storage
Management product set, is an enterprise-wide network storage management
solution. Tivoli Storage Manager Version 4.1 was introduced in July 2000
and is the successor of Tivoli ADSM Version 3.1 and Tivoli Storage Manager
Version 3.7. It provides many new functions such as support for mobile
systems backup, LAN-free backup and restore of data using a Storage Area
Network (SAN) environment, and Windows 2000 exploitation and support.
This IBM Redbook presents an overview of Tivoli Storage Manager Version
3.7.3 and Version 4.1. The book provides updates on the Tivoli Storage
Management product set, and it gives a detailed description of each of the
new functions of Tivoli Storage Manager. The book also discusses in detail
Tivoli Storage Manager Windows 2000 exploitation and support, and
introduces two other members of the Tivoli Storage Management product set:
Tivoli SANergy File Sharing, and Tivoli Decision Support for Storage
Management Analysis.
This book is intended for customers, consultants, IBM Business Partners,
IBM employees, and Tivoli staff who are familiar with ADSM Version 3.1 and
Tivoli Storage Manager Version 3.7, and who need to understand what is new
in Tivoli Storage Manager Version 3.7.3 and 4.1.
Publish Date: September 29, 2000 ISBN Number: 0738418153
Access Information
To obtain a copy of this redbook, you can:
Access the IBM Redbooks Home page to download the PDF or view the book
online at:
Outside IBM: http://ibm.com/redbooks
Inside IBM: http://w3.itso.ibm.com
Order SG24-6110-00 through PUBORDER (Internal to IBM) or
See 'How to Order' options (WWW, email, mail, fax, phone) at:
Authors: Roland Leins, German Agudelo, Jawad Butt, Massimo Canella, Angela
Announcement Contact: Roland Leins E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Regards, Charlotte
Ph (408) 927-3641 Fax (408) 927-3616 T/L 8-457-3641
Project Leader, Storage Management, ITSO Almaden