A department just moved lots of stuff to a new W2K server. The machine is
a big Dell server with a raid disk box (more that 70GB).
Just installed TSM 4.1.1 client. The DSM.OPT file has DOMAIN ALL-LOCAL in
Here is the problem. The backup only checked and processes drives C:, D:,
E: and H: drives (from the dsmsched file). F: is the CD-ROM so I can
understand skipping it.
But G: is clearly a LOCAL HARD DRIVE. It is 32GB in size with 16GB of
unbacked-up data.
Why did it skip G: ? Is there a size issue ?
All volumes are NTFS.
On a different subject, I told them to code TCPWINDOWSIZE 2048 since the
4.1 documentation clearly says 2048 is supported for W2K systems. Yet the
dsmerror log file says it is not supported and dropped to 63