
    It sounds to be like you have a 7337 15 slot DLT changer???.

Regardless ... you can checkout the DB tape from the changer/robot without
deleting it from VOLHIST.  And then put a new scratch in for use.
Setup a procedure where your operators can perform this every day at the
appropriate time ... ????

cheers ... joe.f.
P.S>  if you do have a 7337 why are you not using all 15 slots?  Don't
waste one on the clean cartridge just have OPS do that too!

Joseph A Faracchio,  Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley

On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Werner Nussbaumer wrote:

> Thank you for your answer. Yes, I agree: for the BACKUP DB I need only 1 tape.
> But the second time I need another tape, because the other can only be expired
> if there is a second backup of the DB.
> I just ask if we have a tape library with 14 tapes each with 35MB/70MB Data.
> The DB may use 1 to 2 GB so this is a waste of tape space because tapes with a
> BACKUP DB can't be used for other backups? I think what I will do: I backup to
> DB to another adsm server and backup the DB there.
> I have another question: Is it possible to create *one* tape containing the DB
> and the client data which then could be taken offsite and what commands should
> I use?
> Thanks for help in advance,
> Regards
> Werner Nussbaumer
> -----Original Message-----
> From: rbs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Dienstag, 18. Juli 2000 15:56
> To: ADSM-L
> Cc: rbs
> Subject: Re: BACKUP DB need a least 2 Tapes?
> >But the BACKUP DB to tape therefore need 2 tapes, because one contains the
> >active version which can't be deleted. Therefore the BACKUP DB needs another
> >tape if I want to BACKUP DB to tape.
> Again, the Backup operation itself does *not* demand that there be 2 tapes.
> It is the DELete VOLHistory command which wants at least one backup copy
> to be existent.  See APARs IX86694 and IX86661.
> You should not be trying to skimp on tapes in such matters: you cannot
> afford to lose the *SM database.  If your management is on your case
> about spending money on a few tapes, question them as to why they are
> doing backups.
>    Richard Sims, BU

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