On 28 Jul 2000, at 11:01, Shekhar Dhotre wrote:
> Storing   mksyb on s solaris is ok, but whats the use?
> i mean how we can use it to reintsall the crasghed AIX srver. it should be on
> tape , i dont know i am wrong or  right?

My understanding is that you can only network install a mksysb via
nim.  I went around this with our local rep, wanting to know why ibm
forced the use of nim for network installs.  My only exposure to it
was AIX admin class a long time ago, and that was enough to make me
decide to never use it.  I asked him why they
didn't support network installs (both mksysb and initial loads) via
ftp or nfs.  Life would be soooo much simpler . . . . .


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