On Wed, Mar 19, 2025 at 10:56:11AM +0100, Edouard Klein wrote:
> While we are on the topic of slide software, please allow me a slight
> off-topic, as this probably won't work on Plan 9 (although a Common Lisp
> implementation targeting Plan 9 would be a fun collision of two nice
> communities).
> Here is what I use:
> https://gitlab.com/edouardklein/packslide/-/blob/master/packslide.lisp
> It takes a slide description in a very simple S-expression-based domain
> specific language, and then uses, in a loop:
> - a satisfaction algorithm to pack the content into the slide
>   - obeying certain rules such as "the title is above everything else"
> - an optimization algorithm to minimize the amount of unused space by
>   changing the size of the items.
> The result is then exported to LaTeX+tikz and yields a PDF.

And if it has to end with LaTeX and tikz, you can use directly beamer on
kerTeX (add the pkg via the bea...@latex.sh recipe), kerTeX being available
on Plan9, whatever flavor (the only thing that doesn't work on Plan9
is transparency, but because of the kerTeX level, but because gs(1) on
Plan9 is too old).

> Steve Simon <st...@quintile.net> writes:
> > i used foils, a venerable package for plan9 presentations:
> > http://www.quintile.net/pkg/foils.tbz
> > 
> > i rather liked the look but perhaps it is not to your taste: 
> > http://www.quintile.net/papers/9win-foils.pdf
> > 
> > -Steve
> > 

        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ kergis +dot+ com>
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