ron minnich wrote in
 |It's been a while ... my iwp9 paper is all troff, I'd like to use troff for
 |slides, looking for some hints.

I have a gpresent git repo for later looking at (but has not
happend in eight years now):

      gpresent is a package for making presentations with groff and
      acroread.  It consist of a set of macros to be used with groff
      and a post-processor for manipulating the PostScript output of
      groff.  Without the use of the PAUSE macro, it can also be used
      for making slides.

    o  groff (version 1.18.1 dated Oct 3, 2002 or higher/later) with
       the mm macros (included with groff)
    o  perl (version 5.x)
    o  ps2pdf included with Ghostscript (version 5.10 or higher)
    o  acroread (version 4.0)

README says:

I can give you the tarball, too.  (URL dead.)

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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