What I thought was a floating-point problem turned out to be an integer
problem: noted(NCONT) was smashing a few of the integer registers on its
way back to the original note context. Nothing to do with floats at all.

On Mon, Mar 3, 2025 at 11:17 AM <cinap_len...@felloff.net> wrote:

> one issue i can see with this is that now it is unclear what
> /proc/$pid/fpregs is supposed to be once a process executes
> the note handler.

I was focusing on making something work at all, but I agree that's a detail
to get right. I believe that /proc/$pid/regs is the note registers during
the note handler, and so .../fpregs should be the same. I don't think we
need fpregs and ofpregs, since we don't have regs and oregs.

also, do we want the note-handler to have a clean (FPinit) fpu
> context or should it get a copy? and why?

I chose to give it a copy because systems might initialize certain
registers to certain values at startup and then assume those are always
set. Copying preserves those decisions. The integer registers are also
copied. To me it fits with the simple elegance of fork compared to the
awkwardness of StartProcess. (Other operating system designers may
disagree, but Plan 9 is a system in the fork camp.)

> do we want to backport this to all architectures, or just
> the ones that combine fp and vector instructions?

It would make sense to me to allow on all architectures for consistency,
but I'm personally working on this as a Go developer, not a Plan 9
developer. I'm just trying to minimize the irregularities that Go takes on
to support Plan 9. Thanks for looking into making the same fix on 9front. I
think my /sys/src/9k fix is a little cleaner, for what it's worth. In the
/sys/src/9 fix I probably should have used two state fields instead of one
shifty field.

it would be a good idea to document this changes of behaviour
> somewhere and have a rationale.

Definitely. My tree is a personal work space, not a real Plan 9
distribution. I don't think you need much rationale though. This was an
irregular limitation that has been removed. Vector instructions have become
very important and will only become more so. Plan 9 couldn't even use them
in memmove because memmove might be called in a note handler. To me at
least, that's clearly wrong. The limitation was bearable only because it
didn't matter much. Now it matters a significant amount. I notice that the
9front kernel allows floating point during kernel execution, presumably for
the same reason.

Updated the docs in my tree:

and last: have the go developers considered alternatives
> such as NSAVE/NRSTR for their "signal" handling?

I've never worked on the Plan 9 port of Go before, so I can't speak for
the port's developers did, but I had completely forgotten NSAVE/NRSTR
existed. I just looked at them anew, and I don't think they would help.
noted(NRSTR) puts the onus of saving registers on the user process, which
is maybe not great but fine for the CPU registers in the ureg struct, but
the FPU registers aren't there. You'd need to make a separate space for
them, and then worry about all the nuances of different FP save routines on
different systems, detecting whether they need to be saved at all, and so
on. The kernel already has to get all that code right for context switches.
Getting it right for note handlers seems like a reasonably small expansion
of that role. Other operating systems do that just fine. And as I noted
(ha!) earlier, this change benefits C as much as it benefits Go.


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