> Thank you, I managed to get nvram to read properly.
>... No idea what changed, but somehow, upon rebooting, this time
> it worked.

One possibility: if the SD card gets joggled, it may become inaccessible
and the kernel won't automatically reinitialise it. I use the 'diskparts'
command as an alternative to rebooting.

> My $sysname seems to be set to gnot; I couldn't get it to change despite
> trying to define sys= in /lib/ndb/local.

In a "normal" Plan 9 system, /lib/ndb/local may be on a shared file server
used by multiple machines: "local" here means local to your network, not
local to one host. To find sysname, the ndb/cs command looks up the host
in /lib/ndb/local using its ethernet MAC address - but on the pi zero,
there's no ethernet and no hardcoded MAC. An alternative is to add
'sysname=whatever' to the variables in the cmdline.txt file on the SD card.

> I know config.txt says that the pi zero is using [pi1]'s entry but, in
> practice, my rpi zero wh seems to be using the [pi0] entry

The config.txt file is interpreted by the pi firmware, which has been known
to change its behaviour from one release to the next. I guess the comment
should instead say "Pi Zero W *may* use this entry"

> Inside /cfg/gnot/cpustart I added this line:
> aux/listen -q -t /rc/bin/service.auth -d /rc/bin/service tcp

I think it's more usual to put this in /cfg/$sysname/cpurc, not cpustart.
Or uncomment the 
And you shouldn't need the '-d /rc/bin/service' because those ports
will be handled by the aux/listen in /bin/cpurc.

> However, when I run $ drawterm -u glenda -c -a
>, I see this error:
> cpu: can't dial: Connection refused
> The 'Connection refused' error makes me think that the cpu server is not
> listening at all on port 567.

I think it's the ncpu port (17010) you need first. Try 'netstat|grep Listen'
on the cpu server to confirm what it's listening on.

> Any ideas for how to fix this?

It can be useful to insert a 'flag x +' command into /bin/cpurc so you can
watch the startup script progressing.

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