> I tried adding nvram='#S/sdM0/nvram' into cmdline.txt as follows:
> readparts=1 nobootprompt=local console='0 b115200' ether1=type=4330 
> nvram='#S/sdM0/nvram'
> but the readnvram still says it can't find nvram.

When connecting via serial port, you don't have a user-friendly line-editing 
so it's possible to get inadvertent control characters embedded in a string. 
Try this
experiment and see if you get a similar result:

    init: starting /bin/rc
    % echo $user
    % echo $nvram
    % echo $nvram | xd -c
    0000000   #  S  /  s  d  M  0  /  n  v  r  a  m \n
    % ls -l $nvram
    --rw-r----- S 0 somebody somebody 512 Apr 14 19:54 '#S/sdM0/nvram'
    % auth/readnvram
    key proto=p9sk1 user=hamnavoe dom=hamnavoe.com !hex=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 

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