Noam Preil:
> I have a
> branch at which has fossil
> integrated.

I took the liberty of having a look at the fossil source in that repo.
It seems to be missing the fossil-time-backward patch. That's on the
current 9legacy distribution ISO (built 14 April 2023), and probably
on several previous ones as it went into the 9legacy git in April 2022.

It's a two-line patch which fixes a bug where the periodic sync process
can stop working if the system clock goes backwards. The consequences
of that are failure to update on-disk file data, and exhaustion of the
in-memory cache buffers which results in deadlock. From memory, I think
it could also make the sync process go into a 100% cpu loop which might
look like deadlock.

If you apply that patch, I hope that you will find some of the problems
you've been observing will be cleared up.

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