> On May 14, 2024, at 12:07, tlaro...@kergis.com wrote:
> M
> This is another illustration of "The Mythical Man-Month".

There were many lessons from “The Mythical Man Month” that seem glaringly 
missing from management decisions during those days. It was shocking. There 
were other more perplexing oddities too in the decision making process.  

I have much to say about the topic but this is perhaps not the right place. 
Perhaps it is not my place at all.

The VC years have a cartoonish character to them that seemed to be filled with 
an unlimited supply of “Wait, we’re doing what?” moments. Yes I’m looking at 
you boombox.

What I think is relevant here is that even the plan9 engineers on different 
coasts seemed to get divided by details not unlike the recent discussions’ 
beginnings. This didn’t help win arguments about product direction.

Then there was me just always bitching about Fred Brooks, or ways in which the 
cli was inconsistent, full of “we should”s and “we shouldn’t”s and noticing 
when I was right in dissent more than when I was wrong. So there’s that.

In some possible universes _that_ Coraid thrived 
but they are not ones where where new voices weren’t heard or old ones were 

The flurries of traffic on this list often seem to have a negative tone to me.  
It means a lot to me when the conversations are supportive. 

I hope this recent activity continues on as more collaborative conversations.  
Nobody joins this list who isn’t interested in participating somehow.  Let’s 
not shut them down.


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