On Wed, May 15, 2024, at 02:54, Steve Simon wrote:
> coraid has an interesting history.
> Brantley-Coile.jpg
> How Silicon Valley can kill your business, by a man scolded by the 
> machine 
> <https://www.information-age.com/silicon-valley-can-kill-business-man-scolded-machine-6832/>
> information-age.com 
> <https://www.information-age.com/silicon-valley-can-kill-business-man-scolded-machine-6832/>
> <https://www.information-age.com/silicon-valley-can-kill-business-man-scolded-machine-6832/>
> Brantley now has the Coraid name back too and is using plan9 to this day.
> -Steve

Thank you, Steve, for sharing that. There are some valuable lessons in the 
article. The best lessons are often learned from experiences of others.  It’s 
wonderful to learn that Coraid is still thriving, and that is something worth 

If Brantley Coile still reads 9fans, thank you sir for being an inspiration to 
me and many others.  

Vester "Vic" Thacker

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