Hello All,

I needed to add a pci vid/did to etheriwl.c to get my wifi card
working.  I'm sending the patch to the mailing list, but if folks know
of a better place for this info, let me know and I will re post it.
The card I have is an Intel AC-7265 and I am running 9front.

Now that I have my card working, I would like to have it connect at
boot. I have the following commands to run.

bind -a '#l1' /net
echo 'key proto=wpapsk essid=ESSID !password=PASSWORD' >> /mnt/factotum/ctl
aux/wpa -2p -s ESSID /net/ether1
ip/ipconfig ether /net/ether1

I was wondering where to put these commands.  Should they go into
/bin/termrc or is there a more suitable place?

Thanks in advance,


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--- /sys/src/9/pc/etheriwl.c.orig
+++ /sys/src/9/pc/etheriwl.c
@@ -4444,6 +4444,7 @@
 			family = 7000;
 			fwname = "iwm-7260-17";
+		case 0x95a:	/* Wireless AC 7265 */
 		case 0x95b:	/* Wireless AC 7265 */
 			family = 7000;
 			fwname = "iwm-7265-17";

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