Hello all! Nightdive Studios recently released the source code for the Mac OS9 
/ PowerPC version of System Shock 1. Besides being among my favorite games, 
it's also one of the first properly 3D games to exist, and getting it running 
on Plan 9 would be a fun and interesting project in my estimation. The source 
code (https://github.com/NightDive-Studio/shockmac) is written in C for the 
most part, with the notable exception of a bit of C++ and the tiniest sliver of 
objective-c, each of which is possible to convert somewhat inelegantly back 
into ansi C. It has conveniently separated out the portion of the code that is 
specific to Mac, so my admittedly uninformed hope is that if I could simply 
modify this code and replace any references to Mac OS 9 event handlers and 
resources, I could compile it on plan 9.  Are there any resources available to 
port these event handlers or resources, or any known projects that span across 
mac os 9 and plan 9, that I could use as references?

Apologies as well if this topic had already been created; after a brief search, 
I couldn't find any other questions asking this same thing, so I figured I'd 
produce my own and if I had missed something in my search someone might point 
me in the right direction.
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