I have read the manuals and also searched for this question here without finding an answer (perhaps I missed it) :
1) question about flush : Lets say there was a pending message with tag=1234 and the client of my server sent a flush message with a tag=1450. During the travel of the flush the server sent a response to the message tagged 1234 cause it finished. The manual states that the client has to forget about the flush message as if never sent. Does that mean that message tagged with 1450 which is now ignored by the server won't be replied (no error reply and no success reply cause if the server would reply with rflush the client would take this as if the flush succeeded due to the manual page). Can a client reuse a tag from an unanswered flush message immediatly (in the example tag 1450) 2) tversion A client sends tversion while in the middle of a running session. Is it right to abort/ignore/close/flush all possibly pending messages from the prior session ? The next question is regarding msize[4] in tversion. How should a server respond when msize suggested from the client is to small like msize-IOHDRSIZE< one min_stat_size ? Thanks in advance ;) ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/T04e11fe14739da68-M9512c6004c50d17a43226b7f Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription