Thank you for your clarifications Ori. From the perspective of kernel 
filesystems what you wrote made things clear. But one question remains 
regarding tflush and user fileservers :

On Saturday, 5 November 2022, at 5:31 AM, ori wrote:
> This situation is impossible -- you can always respond to a Tflush. Repeated 
> tflushes for the same tag may
simply be coalesced into one response.

tflush is also used to interrupt pending requests in user-file-systems. And 
there such a situation can happen where you can't respond to a Tflush. The 
server already processed the message for noldtag and sent its reply. Now you 
can't reply to a tflush with rflush cause that would mean the Tflush was 
successful and you can't answer with Rerror cause the rule says that Rerror is 
not allowed as a response to Tflush messages. Am I right regarding this 
situation or is this a misunderstanding. 

On Saturday, 5 November 2022, at 5:31 AM, ori wrote:
> how would this work for file systems like kbdfs, /net, etc? your proposal 
> doesn't work for most of the file systems shipped with plan 9.

You are right I only looked at the problems from the perspective of the 
user-fileservers I am developing right now. And so I tried to understand the 
possible impact of tflush for data-integrity. 

After your response I'll use this strategy in my user-fileservers :

1) Repond to Tflush right away with Rflush 
2) Revert all changes to the file/directory ==> A full rollback
3) Invalidate the fid and reply with Rerror on the next message where this fid 
is used.
4) Make changes permanent only after a Tclunk for a valid fid. 
5) Document this behavior.

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