Hello all!

I recently got a NIC for my tower, and I've been trying to no avail to mount 
the devices as /net is.

I have the following devices:
#l and #I, the motherboards inbuilt port
#l0 and #I0, with #l0/ether0
#l1 and #I1, with #l1/ether1

My goal is to end up with /net.alt.0 and /net.alt.1, which i then intend to 
bind over /net as needed.

I currently have the following in /rc/bin/cpurc.local (im creating in usr 
directory while tinkering):
for(n in 0 1)
    if(! test -e $NETPATH^net.alt.$n)
        mkdir $NETPATH^net.alt.$n
    bind -a '#l'^$n $NETPATH^net.alt.$n
    bind -a '#I'^$n $NETPATH^net.alt.$n
    mount -a /srv/cs $NETPATH^net.alt.$n
    mount -a /srv/dns $NETPATH^net.alt.$n
rm /env/NETPATH

which is what I saw in my namespaces file was being done for /net

after this, ip/ipconfig returns "no success with DHCP", whether i supply the 
details or not.

My questions are:
1: what are the important steps that go into creating a network stacks 
2: is the way Im doing so the correct course, or is there a best practice i 
should be following instead?

Thank you :) This is my first time on the mailing list so please be kind!
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