i am the author of cifs.

i may have some slightly more recent fixes than 9 front has, i will check.

the manual page does explain some registry settings you may need to tweak to 
get it to work - to do with windows getting more and more restrictive about the 
authentication protocols it supports.

the bottom line is i had cifs working to windows 10 a couple of years ago but 
these days i have a mac for work so i no longer need it.

to tell the truth i have become a go programmer which is great, but also a 
little sad, as i have mostly left plan9 development behind.

i will report in a day or two if i have any patches to contribute.


> On 10 Apr 2022, at 1:15 pm, Tomás S. Javaloyes <tsjavalo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you very much for the information.
> You are absolutely right: the documentation offered in /sys/doc offers
> a lot of useful information to understand how Plan9 works.
> One of the first documents I read was the "Plan 9 From Bell Labs" and
> just after almost the entire "book" DASH 1 from 9front.org because it
> is "the flavor" of Plan9 that I have installed in my VirtualBox where
> following the installation chapter I had no problem having a working
> system.
> Then I dedicated myself to "playing" a bit. Learn enough about acme to
> be able to 'mount' the 9fat partition and configure a boot without
> prompting user, figure out how to activate my spanish keyboard and
> have fun trying commands, 'installing' some application (vdir,
> netsurf, rd) and getting used to using the mouse and adding 'widgets'
> (clock, list of processes) to the 'desktop'... It has reminded me of
> the times when Linux came along and I installed slackware in '94 with
> its 20-and -many floppies and that feeling of 'exploring' ;-)
> I am going to document myself more and see if I am able to advance...
>> El dom, 10 abr 2022 a las 13:23, sirjofri
>> (<sirjofri+ml-9f...@sirjofri.de>) escribió:
>> fatotum is quite easy, since it's a client as a filesystem.
>> The "real" server you can set up (but it's optional) is the secstore
>> server which persistently holds your keys.
>> factotum just uses these keys (or the ones you entered manually or read
>> in through a custom mechanism, e.g. a file) to handle all the
>> authentication stuff you want to use.
>> So in the end, factotum is very easy. Just start it in your namespace and
>> the programs will automatically use it. You can also run auth/fgui in a
>> rio to have a nice entry box for new keys. Really, the complex thing is
>> managing the namespace, which is the most important thing in Plan 9
>> anyways, so you should definitely learn it.
>> Common start point for factotum is, run it in your lib/profile. I believe
>> it's the standard lib/profile configuration to start the factotum in a
>> terminal session and import the terminal factotum in a cpu session.
>> There's plenty of resources about factotum and auth in Plan 9 systems. Do
>> yourself a favor and read the papers (/sys/doc/). Also I'm sure that
>> almost all Plan 9 users can give you hints and tips about it since it's
>> an integral part of the system.
>> On my very first Plan 9 laptop I btw just had my keys stored in a plain
>> file, unencrypted.
>> sirjofri

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