Hello everyone, Let me introduce myself: My name is Tomás and I have been interested in Plan9 for some time. My aim is to have the knowledge of the system to set up with 6 raspberry's Pi 3B+ with PoE power a small learning grid using one of the Raspberrys with a 480GB SSD as a file server, dhcp server and bootp service for the rest, another Raspberry diskless to be the authorization server, three more as cpu servers and the last one as terminal with river and keyboard and mouse; all this together with the PoE switch in a box for Raspberry's clusters from C4labs that I just bought...
But to do that you first have to learn how to use the system and that's why I have a virtualbox with 9front installed and I'm learning how to use it. Right now I'm trying to learn how to connect with 'cifs' from 9front/plan9 to a Linux SMB share that pretends to be a Windows domain (exactly a Zentyal distro) but I can't get it to work: I try to connect and I get the following: term% cifs shared folder !Adding key: proto=ntmmv2 service=cifs windom=MYDOMAIN user[glenda]=<my_username> password: <mypassword> cifs: session authentication failed, invalid parameter term% I've even tried it with an SMB without as much complexity as Zentyal (a simple SMB share with a guest user) and I still don't know how to connect it. I've read the cifs manual but I'm not sure what options to use and I've searched the Internet for a similar example and I can't find any. Can someone guide me in the right direction? ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/T48d3c6dc9120b30c-Md9201f3d9a49b81eebbeed7d Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription