a trackpoint is a 2-handed chording device. clearly it's limited, but
still better than any touchpad (when you are constrained to a laptop
on the go)

On 3/23/22, Stuart Morrow <morrow.stu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 01/02/2022, Ben Hancock <b...@benghancock.com> wrote:
>> as well but have yet to become adept at the trackpoint. Do you find
>> you're able to sweep lines as easily using it in acme as with a physical
>> mouse?
> A trackpoint isn't a real three-button mouse by Acme's standards. "A
> real three-button mouse" is something that supports one-to-one
> finger-to-button. A trackpoint is a two-button mouse with an
> additional scroll button. It's designed for Windows and OS/2.
> IBM-pattern mice (as in scrollpoint and original ThinkCentre) work for
> me. The side walls are slightly off from vertical, for dovetailing*
> into the thumb and outside finger.  (Not relevant, but I've never seen
> it commented on.)  I haven't tried anything else.
> Plus, trackpoint users will often accidentally type 'u', which on Plan
> 9 means you lose what's in your snarf buffer.
> For convenience, direct link to a picture of a "dovetail" joint:
> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2f/Finished_dovetail.jpg/1920px-Finished_dovetail.jpg
> (since it seems these are named after a different animal in every
> single language)

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