as a trackpoint fanatic i can tell you:
no, i can't sweep as easily as with a physical mouse.

but if a physical mouse is 10/10, and a smartphone is 1/10, then a
touchpad is 3/10 and a trackpoint is 8/10 for my purposes.

the only thing that makes this more steep is gaming: there the mouse
is much more important, and sometimes reaction times matter, so if
physical mouse is still 10/10, the smartphone and touchpad is
basically unusable 0/10, the trackpoint 3/10, and the only alternative
*still* barely usable, in my books.

the only thing excluded here is those ball mice, i never got used to them.

On 2/2/22, Oleg Finkelshteyn <> wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Feb 2022, at 04:25, Ben Hancock wrote:
>> Do you find you're able to sweep lines as easily using it in acme as with
>> a physical mouse?
> can't really say: i'm not a heavy acme user, and i haven't had a mouse in
> years. shinobi does feel pretty close to a thinkpad, so you should be able
> to test with a latter.
> acme feels comfortable to me in my setup, but you should really check
> whether you are fine with having to use both thumbs to chord.

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