> links to associated projects. Therefore I asked for your prefered form of > acknowledgement.
None needed whatsoever. Nobody here needs to force this extra visibility. Just think about the students and what helps them most. We might disagree, but it's your project, so you'll have to take all the responsibility I'm afraid. That's how the license works ;) > > On Saturday, 29 January 2022, at 9:44 PM, hiro wrote: >> what makes you think everything will work and your students are happy > with the system? > > In the last decade students using the freebsd version very happy with it and > I hope students from the wintersemester will also be happy. This platform is > meant to support them learning their examination stuff and the feedback is > not bad. There will always be roam for improvements, there will always be > bugs. All I can do is do my best. Yes, so you confirm it's a one-man-project. It's a big risk IMO if it all depends on you personally so much. Cause then it cannot benefit from other's doing their best in addition to you. > On Saturday, 29 January 2022, at 9:48 PM, hiro wrote: >> yes, it's very dangerous in terms of licensing. i suggest you rewrite > ghostscript as gs/pdf reading ability is very important for most users > (even for our own docs). > > I don't need this cause I am representing drawing data as svg or in a format > similar to emf (enhanced metafile). Images are represented till now in > zipped ppm format. Fonts are represented in ttf. And I support the dvi > format produced by tex and metafont. pdf and ps make the use of fonts > necessary which have licensing issues. Ah, you're lucky in that case. > On Saturday, 29 January 2022, at 9:48 PM, hiro wrote: >> looking forward to your code submissions. > I am at it. As you remember from the other thread there is no agreement > about adding framebuffer support to plan9. This will show a simple > application which doesn't use devdraw, memdraw, memlayer and can't coexist > with them. If their are no agreements about how and where to support a > framebuffer interface its not worth the effort to implement it in a > compatible way. This proof of concept version will only give a taste about > what would be possible. (Expect some kind of animation without text > rendering - which is not difficult but needs a clear interface definition). > Of course I would prefer to share those parts with the main distros/forks of > plan9 the more they are used the better they get and the more possible bugs > will be discovered. Proof of concepts have value, too :) It's quite funny what kind of stuff somebody might dig up in 2 decades and learn something unexpected from it, happens here all the time. I'm not saying I will personally have a need for the system, but I'd like to spread this culture and make sure people share all they can. As long as it compiles... > But if you expect a desktop alternative to rio with a theming window manager > than an agreement is necessary to not waste time for things never meant to > be part of plan9. I expect nothing, but if you make many great systems, I'm sure somebody will end up finding some form of inspiration from it, whether it's to find out how to do something or how not to do something is another issue ;) ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/T3e07bfdf263a83c8-M02e344053a424bbd6d371283 Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription