> Imagine I post that you are a fascist and that because of that we > need another git client. I'm sure the same people that have been > trolling in this thread would be defending you.
No need to imagine, as this has already happened. No big deal, as the mob (on twitter/hitlernews/etc.) calmed down again soon after. 4chan is probably real mad and avoids 9front which now must seem like a one in a kind jewish conspiracist operating system. I think it's funny after all, and the statements made, the resolution, offended just the right people. > The only explanation I see here is a tribal one. explanation for what? > I don't like that. Of course, tribal behaviors should be below us all. We're gonna harm only your soul, not your body. > I'll keep myself out of it, I've only made a fool of myself. no need for such compensation, all people who responded to this thread share the same kind of blame, if there has to be any at all. > PS. If you want to stop a discussion, don't put more fire on it. > You are not the moderator, people don't like being told to shut up > by another member. Russ said us to shut up and look at us... I think Russ plainly followed his responsibility as a human to remind us there are basic rules of respect. Should this urge anyway weigh more than an admin's word? Hell yeah. So be better next time everybody. Be excellent, or however they call it. ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/T47361f1c7a89aa15-M0dc9a91b8f17ed263e59ef85 Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription