ori wrote:
All too often, the only post with technical content
is the first post in a thread. The technical content
is drowned in the bullshit.
As a result, help is given off-list if it's given at
all. It protects the questioner from the deluge of
noise, but hides any debugging steps from anyone who
could learn from them.
This is just surreal.
The _questioner_ used the list to denounce politically another
member (well, I don't think nemo is here anymore), but instead of
a warning by the administrator it gets a pat on the back by other
members. Ah! and the bullshit is in the ones who got outraged.
Imagine I post that you are a fascist and that because of that we
need another git client. I'm sure the same people that have been
trolling in this thread would be defending you.
The only explanation I see here is a tribal one.
I don't like that.
I'll keep myself out of it, I've only made a fool of myself.
PS. If you want to stop a discussion, don't put more fire on it.
You are not the moderator, people don't like being told to shut up
by another member. Russ said us to shut up and look at us...
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