@hiro, @Sigrid, @vic

Thanks everybody for the tips! Much obliged.
DLed Sigrid's original suggestion. Now - Plan9 boots up to here:

/dev/sdC0: ST3802110A
/dev/sdC1: Maxtor 6Y080L0
/dev/sdD0: YAMAHA CRW2200E
/dev/sdD1: COMPAQ DVD-ROM CD-2500
bootargs is (tcp, tls, il, local!device)[local!/dev/sdD0/data]

user[glenda]: cr
atapktio: disabling dma
/386/init: '/386/init' does not exist

Not bad!! Got to keep going though! LOL What now? Reading the Plan9
install docs. Is 9front install docs different? TIA

BTW - Installing Plan9 is a great project for me right now. -37C
here in western Canada. :O
** Text only please. Bottom post is best for me **

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