hello there!
I downloaded the USB Disk image from there https://9p.io/plan9/download/usbdisk.bz2 and burned it with Rufus. When I booted using the USB it showed this: MBR...PBS2... Plan 9 from Bell Labspcirouting : ignoring south bridge PCT.0.31.0 8086/8C5C bios (USB) loader cpu0 : 3191MHz GenuineIntel P6(cpuid : Ax0x306C3 DX 0xBFEBFBFF) ELCR : CCC8 into bios in real mode...and back bios0: drive 0x80 : 7,851,736,06A bytes, 512-byte sectors and then nothing is working. What can I do now. ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/T4a54d17e4c0f6c20-Mdba7089f47666732b71514d6 Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription