On 2/24/21, tlaro...@polynum.com <tlaro...@polynum.com> wrote: > > FWIW, I bought Olimex-lime2 (ARM) (severals) and I'm more satisfied with > these than with > Raspberries (I installed NetBSD on this, plan9 was not tried). > > So if the RISC-V is on the same level of quality, it should be certainly > worth.
Exactly my point, thank you for corroborating. I've been eyeing their DIY laptop, but for that price (and custom complications) I may prefer to invest in the 3D printer they list as in stock at quite an old price (I don't expect miracles, but it's worth a try). I think these guys operate in a rarefied atmosphere of custom design and they have a working formula. I wish I could contribute in a significant way to their success. I have a long wish list revolving around their products and philosophy, just not the funds. Lucio. ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/Tef717f57ede82d4f-Mf8206ac5ede4d151a6f9b6d0 Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription