On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 07:50:59AM +0200, Lucio De Re wrote:
> They say:
> > This is the first Espressif product with RISC-V core, the datasheet is on 
> > their web.
> >
> > This is also the first SOC with RISC-V core we have access to, so we are 
> > excited to learn > more the ISA on low level.
> >
> > Any resources to recommend?
> So far I have been shy to recommend Plan 9 to them, a little less shy
> to recommend Olimex to 9fans (somewhat long ago, my memory may be
> lying to me).
> In any case, for the likes of Richard Miller and other wizards, this
> is the URL for this specific
> posting:
> https://olimex.wordpress.com/2021/02/23/hello-risc-v-we-got-samples-of-the-new-esp32-c3-module-and-it-is-only-13x17-mm/
> >From there, many recent and less recent developments can be
> discovered. They have a neat catalogue and apply pretty good QC. For
> those in the EU, they operate from Bulgaria. Their English can be
> surprising.

FWIW, I bought Olimex-lime2 (ARM) (severals) and I'm more satisfied with these 
than with
Raspberries (I installed NetBSD on this, plan9 was not tried).

So if the RISC-V is on the same level of quality, it should be certainly
        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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