Thank you Michael for the kernel, it worked well. Skip for your config.txt, and 
certainly Richard for all your efforts porting 9 to the pi, and trying to keep 
it up to date. 

I have a 9front server - I had tried compiling a new kernel (of the 9front 
variety) there, but with lackluster results (i.e. kernel panic) on the Pi. 

Anyway, once I got the Pi usable between Michael's and Skip’s contributions, I 
was able to get the latest files from Richard’s contrib to update the source on 
the Pi and then build a new kernel. I found it interesting that the kernel size 
was different from what Michael had provided. But of course, there are so many 
variables that may affect such things. 

The two issues I saw were the aforementioned only recognizing 1GB of ram and 
the Caps Lock and Num Lock keys not functioning. (The caps lock acts like a 
control key, num-lock does nothing - I presume it’s a mapping issue). Neither 
issue I was particularly concerned with, I was happy just to have my Pi working 
with 9. 

I will certainly download the updated main.c and make a new kernel and get let 
you know the results.

So thank you!

> On Jan 18, 2021, at 9:51 AM, Richard Miller <> wrote:
>> I did notice, that Richards image that I have, seems to only recognize 1GB 
>> of ram.
> I put a new contrib/miller/9/bcm/main.c on which should correct that.

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