On 12/9/20, remyw...@cs.washington.edu <remyw...@cs.washington.edu> wrote:
> [ ... ]
You're brave!

> And several details:
> 1. I had to hard-code the tap device name "tap5" because `ip tuntap ...`
> doesn't return the interface name.
> 2. I have no idea what is, or where to pass it in. (tried `ip link
> set tap5 up address` but it complained the address was too short).
Even if the interface name is not returned (which usually means the
powers that be have found a more sensible, but totally novel way to
make it available), you should really set


or even

export iface=tap5

and save a lot of editing later.

If "" is too short, the chances are "" may be the valid form.[/0] is more a place holder (a bit like NULL) than a real IP address.

That said, I am still trying to get my head around creating tap
devices for VMs, in the new lingo (or in the old) even though my
TCP/IP experience goes back to 1990. But then I think the RFCs at that
stage were still below one thousand.


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