On Fri, 05 Dec 2014 20:15:05 +0200 lu...@proxima.alt.za wrote:
> Can the mailing list administrator help me figure out where the tail
> piece in this message is coming from?  If the mailing list is not
> responsible (I don't see the same treatment applied to Lucho's mail,
> so I assume it isn't) then I want to know who's intercepting mail that
> should come directly from my desktop to the mailing list host.
> Lucio.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
> This email has been scanned by the MxScan Email Security System.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Below I've copied headers from your email. Looks like there
are *two* virus scans! One by MailRoute.net and one by
turbo-smtp.net. The latter don't even add a proper Received:
line. mx record for 9fans.net points to mail.mailroute.net.
I can't be certain but looks like proxima.alt.za delegates
actual email delivery to turo-smtp.net.

It is what it is. Not worth spending your time learning the
details of email related RFCs and how they are used & misused.
Instead write a nice useful 9p filesystem!

But remember: Just don't make any jokes in email that can get
you in trouble : )

|Return-Path: 9fans-boun...@9fans.net
|Delivery-Date: Fri Dec  5 10:16:45 2014
|Return-Path: <9fans-boun...@9fans.net>
|X-Original-To: ba...@bitblocks.com
|Delivered-To: ba...@bitblocks.com
|Received: from mail.9fans.net (mail.9fans.net [])
|       by mail.bitblocks.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 63FA4B827
|       for <ba...@bitblocks.com>; Fri,  5 Dec 2014 10:16:45 -0800 (PST)
|Received: from localhost ([] helo=[])
|       by mail.9fans.net with esmtp (Exim 4.71)
|       (envelope-from <9fans-boun...@9fans.net>)
|       id 1XwxTG-0005gV-9L; Fri, 05 Dec 2014 18:19:14 +0000
|Received: from mr008.ord01.mailroute.net ([]
|       helo=in-mr008.ord01.mailroute.net)
|       by mail.9fans.net with esmtp (Exim 4.71)
|       (envelope-from <lu...@proxima.alt.za>) id 1XwxTE-0005gQ-NB
|       for 9fans@9fans.net; Fri, 05 Dec 2014 18:19:12 +0000
|Received: from localhost (localhost.localdomain [])
|       by in-mr008.ord01.mailroute.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id
|       3jvMXS3VzBz1gxNC
|       for <9fans@9fans.net>; Fri,  5 Dec 2014 18:15:20 +0000 (UTC)
|X-Virus-Scanned: by MailRoute
|X-Spam-Flag: NO
|X-Spam-Score: 0.81
|X-Spam-Status: No, score=0.81 tagged_above=-9999
|       tests=[KAM_ASCII_DIVIDERS=0.8, T_DKIM_INVALID=0.01] autolearn=disabled
|Authentication-Results: mr008.ord01.mailroute.net (mroute_mailscanner);
|       dkim=neutral reason="invalid (public key: not available)"
|       header.d=proxima.alt.za; domainkeys=neutral
|       reason="invalid (public key: not available)"
|       header.from=lu...@proxima.alt.za header.d=proxima.alt.za
|Received: from in-mr008.ord01.mailroute.net ([])
|       by localhost (mr008.ord01.mailroute.net [])
|       (mroute_mailscanner, port 10024)
|       with LMTP id fyvGiD4f1JHx for <9fans@9fans.net>;
|       Fri,  5 Dec 2014 18:15:13 +0000 (UTC)
|Received: from tbjjbihbhdbee.turbo-smtp.net (tbjjbihbhdbee.turbo-smtp.net
|       [])
|       by in-mr008.ord01.mailroute.net (Postfix) with SMTP id 3jvMXK0Mbyz1gwc1
|       for <9fans@9fans.net>; Fri,  5 Dec 2014 18:15:12 +0000 (UTC)
|DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
|       d=proxima.alt.za; s=turbo-smtp; x=1418408113; h=DomainKey-Signature:
|       Received:Received:Message-ID:To:Subject:Date:From:In-Reply-To:
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|       T1XLNQ2W+gIGNZjGsJNUoSHRk52WmJ6IJsoly1g97crh6qZUesy3a9Icdhyc9tKQ
|       BUXoGQHzKJNF59/vc9oP/EzNunXXZ4IQxcN6LYuzkGWx3VeMRk4F/lvD8+XAyFX6
|       C32q2Fwc/F7ab1ve2BA=
|DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws;
|       s=turbo-smtp; d=proxima.alt.za;
|       b=dxc56Xglbm4SMhiLxzfF7S+cVltrofkiQdd83VWYMvPy2iOs+lncSP9QNyZQGB
|       Icd+mDdB6Q0RT8A9ihbjrWNyh+ZwjRaQ+puuy/3Wj/2lY6a7ynTBb9MLuou0f4Yj
|       8lGSIjXDcNdLLwNVqk2oSq67P39iWtL8zhqqcd64fm2zI=;
|Received: (qmail 30488 invoked from network); 5 Dec 2014 18:15:11 -0000
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|Message-ID: <a055cd7e2a7ed4a6bc641ea19c271...@proxima.alt.za>
|To: 9fans@9fans.net
|Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2014 20:15:05 +0200
|From: lu...@proxima.alt.za
|In-Reply-To: <7fbbfdc479d433167ff1edd2489ad...@proxima.alt.za>
|MIME-Version: 1.0
|Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
|Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
|X-Mxscan-Scan: Scanned by MxScan 2.7.601.0 for HRSNETWORX
|X-Mxscan-Msgid: 3916F0E23A874FF4906389C3AAAF851F_
|X-Mxscan-Country-Sequence: Private Network->Destination
|X-Mxscan-Antivirus: ClamAV 0.98.4 [Clean]
|X-Mxscan-Antispam: CLAM_SANE [Pass], KEYWORD [Pass], RDNSBL [Pass],
|       URLBL [Pass], SPAMASSASSIN [-1.0 (ALL_TRUSTED)],
|       DCC_CHECK [Pass]
|X-Mxscan-Spamscore: -1
|X-Mxscan-Processingtime: 1.154 sec(s)
|Subject: Re: [9fans] 9 Atom - installation troubles
|X-BeenThere: 9fans@9fans.net
|X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.13

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