Hi, cinap.
It was solved(?).
I removed all the /lib/firmware stuff, and recompiled
then the result is as usual!

1319729t + 2282308d + 377258d = 3979325

My /lib/firmware directory had many iwn-xxxx files.
All those files are neccessary?

Anyway, now I can use this AMD machine, and now I'm
writing this mail from that machine.

As I was requested before to describe this motherboard,
I'll do it here.

Model: BIOSTAR A68-N5000
CPU: AMD A4-5000   Quad Core APU  1500MHz, 1.044V
                with AMD HD8210 Graphic
Chipset: A500A-IBS

This kernel say as follows:

cpu0: lapic clock at 100MHz
cpu0: 1497MHz Authentic AMD unknown (AX 0x700F01 
        CX 0x36D8220B DX 0x178BFBFF)
cpu1: ... same as cpu0
cpu1: ...same as cpu0
cpu2: ...same as cpu0
cpu2 ...same as cpu0
cpu3: ...same as cpu0
cpu3: ...same as cpu0

It's interesting to use energy-saving 4 core machine with
small cubic case(17Wx20Lx20H) with 300W power supply!
Of course without CPU fan!


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