> This happens only to compile kernels.
> When I compile everything else, not such happens.
what does this mean?

anyway, you might have added stuff by accident or
theres some temporary files or some stuff that
unintentionally got included (you added /bin/tr there
remember for the fstype kfs detection). lets verify this.
please run:

cd /boot
du -n

paqfs /boot/bootfs.paq
cd /n/paq
du -n

theres the output of my bootfs as a reference:

cpu% cd /boot
cpu% du -n
29240   ./boot
72285   ./paqfs
245954  ./factotum
1535020 ./bootfs.paq
1882499 .

cpu% paqfs /boot/bootfs.paq
bootfs: Mon Jul 28 18:45:56 GMT 2014
fingerprint: ce48b5387fa103247e64c81531fd49f129526c7a
cpu% cd /n/paq
cpu% du -n
70210   ./386/bin/9660srv
161885  ./386/bin/awk
140892  ./386/bin/auth/secstore
140892  ./386/bin/auth
129072  ./386/bin/aux/kbdfs
116502  ./386/bin/aux/wpa
245574  ./386/bin/aux
37172   ./386/bin/bind
22049   ./386/bin/cat
86647   ./386/bin/cfs
72803   ./386/bin/cryptsetup
28505   ./386/bin/dd
69915   ./386/bin/disk/fdisk
176625  ./386/bin/disk/kfs
64404   ./386/bin/disk/prep
310944  ./386/bin/disk
93065   ./386/bin/dossrv
35819   ./386/bin/echo
287215  ./386/bin/cwfs64x
50252   ./386/bin/grep
109040  ./386/bin/ip/ipconfig
109040  ./386/bin/ip
50768   ./386/bin/ls
38042   ./386/bin/mkdir
99796   ./386/bin/mntgen
45615   ./386/bin/mount
41324   ./386/bin/mv
166241  ./386/bin/hjfs
85738   ./386/bin/rc
38300   ./386/bin/rm
58248   ./386/bin/sed
1395    ./386/bin/sleep
51597   ./386/bin/srv
43474   ./386/bin/test
21840   ./386/bin/unmount
126197  ./386/bin/nusb/usbd
146797  ./386/bin/nusb/ether
151362  ./386/bin/nusb/disk
89388   ./386/bin/nusb/kb
513744  ./386/bin/nusb
40815   ./386/bin/xd
3049009 ./386/bin
3049009 ./386
579     ./rc/lib/rcmain
1139    ./rc/lib/local.rc
793     ./rc/lib/net.rc
2511    ./rc/lib
1528    ./rc/bin/fstype
1138    ./rc/bin/diskparts
1412    ./rc/bin/nusbrc
3884    ./rc/bin/bootrc
7962    ./rc/bin
10473   ./rc
0       ./tmp
0       ./lib/firmware
0       ./lib
3059482 .


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