Thank you, that's good to know. What instructions would you suggest I start
with for setting up a full cpu + auth + fossil server or mounting the pi
file system remotely with 9fs from Windows or Mac OS X?

I'm not particularly interested in overclocking, but was curious how Plan 9
might respond if I were to play around with it a little.

If you'll indulge two more quick questions, I would very much appreciate
it. (1) Is there any support for the Edimax EW-7811Un USB-WiFi adaptor --
or any other USB-WiFi adaptor? Or would an ethernet to WiFi adaptor be the
only option? And (2), is it advisable or necessary to update the 9pi
distribution's firmware files from any time or from time to

Once I figure out how to customize the startup to run my own acme.dump (I
think some of the earlier answers will help me fix that) and anything else
related to getting things set up that might be useful to other new users, I
plan on posting easy instructions at

Thanks, 𝔹

On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 6:00 AM, <> wrote:

> Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 07:52:26 +0000
> From: Richard Miller <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: [9fans] Setting 9pi Start State / Drawterm to 9pi
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
> > So if I were to want to connect to my 9pi at home from my office, would I
> > have to make the 9pi into a cpu server?
> If you just want to use drawterm to connect, the reply you quoted shows a
> simple way.  If you want to use more plan 9 capabilities, like mounting the
> pi file system remotely with 9fs, or connecting with a different user name,
> setting up a full cpu + auth + fossil server gives you that (and gives you
> a chance to understand plan 9 more thoroughly).
> > Also, I was wondering if Plan 9 uses the Raspberry Pi's GPU. In other
> > words, should I allocate the smallest amount of memory to the GPU (I
> think
> > 16 is the minimum) rather than the default of 64? And in that case, I
> would
> > also assume that overclocking the GPU wouldn't be of any benefit.
> The 9pi.img already sets gpu ram size to the minimum.  Plan 9 doesn't use
> the gpu's accelerated graphics api, but the gpu is still doing some
> low-level
> functions behind the scenes.
> I wouldn't advise overclocking anything.  If you care that much about
> speed,
> why use a raspberry pi?

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