for rio startup script look in $home/bin/rc/riostart

i'm not sure what type of kernel is on the stock 9Pi image. if it's a term
kernel, you can't drawterm to it; but building an auth+cpu+fs combo kernel
is easy.

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 10:49 PM, Brian Vito <> wrote:

> I have recently installed Plan 9 on my Raspberry Pi but I can't seem to
> figure out how to modify the start state -- while I've configured acme the
> way I want it and have used the dump command (so I can manually re-load
> acme with -l and get my system back), I can't find where I set which
> acme.dump file for acme to load when the system starts (I always get the
> default, regardless of what I try doing). If someone could point me to the
> correct configuration file, it would be much appreciated.
> Also, is there anything special that needs to be done to set up 9pi as a
> server that I can drawterm to? The instructions I've found all seem to
> fit a much more complicated scenario or otherwise just not apply to a
> simple, new Plan 9 user on his Raspberry Pi wanting to make his new Plan 9 
> system
> available to him at work, for example, using drawterm. For example,
> /Drawterm_to_your_terminal/index.html lost me -- do I need to set up
> keyfs, or is it not necessary in this situation?
> Finally, does anyone know of a drawterm application for Mac OS X that runs
> on 10.9? The download shows up as a document that I can't seem to get to
> launch from the terminal or otherwise.
> Thank you very much for any help you may be able to provide. 𝔹

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