On Tue Dec 20 23:57:09 EST 2011, aku...@mail.nanosouffle.net wrote: > I have tried 1280x800x32 on the laptop and > 1280x1024x16 and 1280x1024x32 on a monitor > connected to the laptop via VGA. In all cases, > the result is a very, very incredibly slow and > choppy rio. > > I'm using the stock Plan 9 kernel (with a patch > for IL (*shakes fist at the 'Labs*)).
there could be many things wrong. if you're having a mtrr issue, then 9atom should fix it, since i gave mtrrs a pass since they are depricated and require hooks into the clock interrupt. but i'm wondering if rio is the only thing that's choppy on your system. why don't you send pci output? it's too bad you don't have the 9atom mods to /dev/irqalloc that would let us know if you have a ringing irq. - erik