On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 9:03 AM, erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net> wrote:
> i never considered the advertized modes might depend on
> the monitor connected.  have you observed this?

Yes. I have a few combinations of VGA-VGA, DVI-DVI, VGA-DVI, DVI-HDMI,
etc., cables, and, using the same card and monitor, I get different
output from aux/vga -p depending upon the combination. I've observed
this with other cards and monitors as well. It seems like the card
firmware does some kind of autodetection to figure out which modes it
wants to present.

> also, the old code set paddr to the start of the bar, your code
> sets it to whatever the vbe mode returned.  have you observed
> this, too?

Attempting 1680x1050x32 was hanging my machine[1]. Cinap identified
the problem and provided the fix. I can't speak much on the code as I
don't really understand the mechanism.



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