Good to know, thanks! On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 12:58 PM, Richard Miller <> wrote: >> Any idea how much work it would be to adapt that for the nokia n900? > > No need for the android version on maemo - standard hosted > inferno "just works" on the n900. I've been running it for > quite a while (or was until my pocket was picked in Paris last > week ☹). I'll have to go back to my n800 (=n900 without the > phone part) which also runs standard inferno happily, after a > small mod to win-x11a (in contrib/miller/inferno/n800). > > N900 is a nice device, but android phones can be a lot cheaper. > > >
- [9fans] Announcing Inferno for Android phones John Floren
- Re: [9fans] Announcing Inferno for Android phones Nemo
- Re: [9fans] Announcing Inferno for Android phones andrey mirtchovski
- Re: [9fans] Announcing Inferno for Android ph... Mathieu Lonjaret
- Re: [9fans] Announcing Inferno for Androi... John Floren
- Re: [9fans] Announcing Inferno for Androi... Richard Miller
- Re: [9fans] Announcing Inferno for An... Mathieu Lonjaret
- Re: [9fans] Announcing Inferno for Android ph... Paul Lalonde
- Re: [9fans] Announcing Inferno for Androi... andrey mirtchovski
- Re: [9fans] Announcing Inferno for An... Nemo
- Re: [9fans] Announcing Inferno for An... John Floren
- Re: [9fans] Announcing Inferno for An... John Floren
- Re: [9fans] Announcing Inferno f... Joel Armstrong
- Re: [9fans] Announcing Infer... Ethan Grammatikidis
- Re: [9fans] Announcing I... ron minnich
- Re: [9fans] Announcing I... John Floren
- Re: [9fans] Announcing I... Bruce Ellis