On Friday 16 of September 2011 08:46:51 erik quanstrom wrote:
> On Fri Sep 16 01:57:04 EDT 2011, rminn...@gmail.com wrote:
> > for the 2M pages -- I'm willing to see some measurement but let's get
> > the #s -- I've done some simple measurements and it's not the hit one
> > would expect. These new machines have about 10 GB/s bandwidth (well,
> > the ones we are targeting do) and that translates to sub-millisecond
> > times to zero a 2M page.   Further, the text page is in the image cache.
> > So after first exec of a program, the only text issue is locating the
> > page. It's not simply a case of having to write 6M each time you exec.
> however, neither the stack nor the heap are.  that's 4MB that need to be
> cleared.  that sounds like an operation that could take on the order of
> ms, and well-worth measuring.

keep a pool of clean pages in kernel. upon exec use fresh ones for stack and 
heap, clean old ones in background. employ DMA controler when possible.

dexen deVries


For example, if the first thing in the file is:
   <?kzy irefvba="1.0" rapbqvat="ebg13"?>
an XML parser will recognize that the document is stored in the traditional 
ROT13 encoding.

(( Joe English, http://www.flightlab.com/~joe/sgml/faq-not.txt ))

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