What i called cdfs was actually something for inferno, written in limbo.
It's on contrib, but I've already forgot where and what it's actual name
was. Cryptfs is either fs(3) or kfs(4) with block level encryption, i have
no idea which. It probably wasn't added because it wasn't 'critical' for
using the system.
On Mar 30, 2011 1:21 PM, <smi...@zenzebra.mv.com> wrote:
> Jacob Todd <jaketodd...@gmail.com> writes:
>> There's two implementations that i know of: one is in russ' contrib, and
>> there another one called cbfs (i think), which is also on contrib,
>> i don't remember where. The latter version could be russ' implementation
>> with changes, it's been a while since I tried either. Russ' didn't
>> at first, there were two variables with the same name iirc.
> I was able to find the former, but not the latter. Russ' "cryptfs"
> appears to be a modification of kfs. But isn't kfs one of the file
> systems that's now considered deprecated?
> How come crypto wasn't put right in fs(3)? It seems like doing that
> would give all disk-based file systems immediate cryptography support.
> Also, if you have any idea where I can find that "cbfs", please let me
> know...
> Thanks!

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