On Tue, 2011-03-08 at 19:34 +0200, Lucio De Re wrote:

> Put Nokia in
> bed with Microsoft in bed with Intel and you're leaving little room
> for somebody with a great idea to get any attention.  A brave new
> world, indeed.

But the Wintel duopoly has cracked, the inevitable fate of all such
aggregations of power. They end up being led by people whose talent does
not match the level of their megalomania and whose insecurity leads them
to flail. Not that putting Windows on ARM is a bad flail, but it does
provoke Intel to retaliate by dropping its requirement that
manufacturers accompany X86 chips on laptops and desktops with a Windows

Remember when nothing could possibly dislodge the VAX/VMS hegemony?

Pride cometh before a fall.


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